As important milestones in early depictions of prehistoric animals, much has been said about the history and science informing the Crystal Palace dinosaurs. It must be said that a lot of the most familiar and popular tales about the sculptures are oversimplified or simply untrue. An example is the framing of the dinosaur sculptures within the context of the Richard Owen vs. Gideon Mantell rivalry, whereby Owen uses the statues to score some final points against Mantell by imposing his vision of Dinosauria on the Victorian public (e.g. Dean 1999; Torrens 2012). In actuality, Mantell was asked to be the consultant for the Crystal Palace prehistoric models before Owen, but he declined the offer on grounds of the models not being educational enough and, probably, his declining health (he died in 1852, before construction of the models was finished). Owen would attempt to re-write these affairs to position himself as first choice as technical advisor to the project, as well as the man who suggested to hire Hawkins (Dawson 2016).
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The Crystal Palace dinosaurs were far from the first efforts to restore dinosaur form, and they represented significant advances over earlier efforts. John Martin's 1837 The country of the Iguanodon is more typical of early dinosaur art, depicting Iguanodon and Megalosaurus as whale-sized lizards. The Crystal Palace dinosaurs were more realistically sized and included more characteristic anatomy, including strong, upright limbs, and taxon-specific features, such as beaks and osteoderms. Hawkins' reconstructions were definitely 'dinosaurs v. 2.0', not just life-sized versions of art that came before. Image in public domain, borrowed from Wikimedia. |
Although often mocked for their depiction of now archaic ideas, the models were actually a significant advance over earlier depictions of dinosaurs as whale-sized lizards. It could be argued that the models did not present the most progressive view of dinosaurs available in the early 1850s as they ignored Mantell’s insightful considerations of Iguanodon proportions and pose (Mantell 1848, 1851, see below) but, even so, each model references ideas about dinosaur anatomy that were, at the time, very modern and cutting-edge. Hawkins’ dinosaur sculptures are an excellent record of that short period in history when the unique and defining aspects of dinosaurs had been recognised, but our fossil data were still too incomplete to reveal their overall forms. They capture, on grandiose scale, an important intellectual milestone in the realisation of what dinosaurs were, and are a monument to the ingenuity of early palaeontologists.
History of Skeletal Drawings) - does not sugarcoat the volume of material known for Megalosaurus in the early 1850s and instead (perhaps inadvertently) showing us the huge gulfs of dinosaur anatomy that Hawkins had to restore from just a handful of remains.![]() |
Owen's skeletal restoration of Megalosaurus bucklandi from his 1854 Crystal Palace guidebook, a significant illustration in the development of skeletal diagrams of fossil animals and the only hint in his guidebook as to what was truly known of the species restored by Hawkins. The Crystal Palace sculpture is pretty faithful to this, but note the lack of the shoulder hump and smaller head. |
Although working from little material, Hawkins did not simply take Owen's dinosaur concept and bolt some sharp teeth into the jaws. Rather, his Megalosaurus has several hallmarks of predatory species that reflect close observation of living animals. The limbs, for instance, are not pillar-like as in the Iguanodon but have flexed joints and bulging musculature. This pose recalls the limbs of rhinos - relatively fast, sprightly large animals - more than the columnar-limbs of slower paced giants, like elephants. The body is trim and streamlined, tapering from the muscular shoulders towards the hips, and also lacks an expansive gut. Hawkins would have known that carnivorous animals have smaller, shorter guts than herbivores, and he probably modelled his Megalosaurus with this in mind. The massive head (some five feet in length, probably based an older Owen estimate (1842, 1854), and not reflecting the revised 2' 6" length published by Owen in 1856) is held in place with deep neck muscles anchoring to an enlarged shoulder skeleton. Hawkins was clearly referening large-headed mammalian herbivores such as bovids and rhinos here, and his transference of their head-supporting apparatus to a predatory reptile shows his resourceful approach to reconstructing these poorly known animals. The result is a creature that looks undeniably powerful and predatory, a mix of bear, buffalo and crocodile. It’s difficult not to imagine the model as eying the adjacent Iguanodon as a potential meal.
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Megalosaurus bucklandi as we understand it today: a large-ish theropod that roamed Jurassic Britain, posing in ways that loosely homage Charles Knight's work. |
Having mentioned the shoulder hump, it would be remiss not to outline the interesting history of this structure. Darren Naish (2010) proposed that the shoulder hump of Megalosaurus was based on Altispinax dunkeri, three Wealden theropod vertebrae with tall neural spines known to Owen in the 1850s. Owen (1855, 1856) regarded these as the shoulder vertebrae of M. bucklandi and remarked that their tall spines must have anchored powerful, head-supporting muscles used to aid Megalosaurus in pulling apart carcasses. Circumstance suggests that Owen must have given Hawkins advance notice of this but... surprisingly no - other data suggests otherwise. Secord (2004) reports that Owen actually had no idea about the Megalosaurus shoulder hump until the models were completed and installed, and the absence of either Wealden bones or an obvious shoulder hump in Owen's 1854 illustration confirms that he was not envisaging Megalosaurus in such a guise in the early 1850s. Secord also reports an ambivalent 1855 newspaper quote from Owen regarding the accuracy of the shoulder hump. When asked if the hump was a genuine feature of Megalosaurus, Owen replied that "no one could say that the bump was not there”, and he once again did not mention Altispinax despite the kudos they would have brought to the model and his skills as a consultant. Post-1854 boasting from Hawkins confirms the fact that Altispinax was not referenced in the Crystal Palace Megalosaurus, as he used the discovery of these 'shoulder hump' bones as evidence of his sharp skills for anatomical prediction (Secord 2004). It's perhaps significant that Owen presented older Megalosaurus size predictions in his 1854 guidebook, possibly indicating that his Crystal Palace consultancy pre-dated the analysis he presented in his 1855 Megalosaurus monograph, or that he was keeping his later work under wraps.
The most overlooked dinosaur of the Crystal Palace trio is Hylaeosaurus armatus: the first ankylosaur known to science. It’s easy to ignore this species even when visiting the Geological Court in person as, although prominently placed between the Megalosaurus and Iguanodon, the sculpture’s face is not visible from the public paths around the Secondary Island. Instead, we can only see the hindquarters and left side. This is great for showing off the armoured back, but undeniably leaves a lesser impression on visitors - especially as it competes for attention with very imposing and charismatic statues either side.Hawkins’ restoration of the Hylaeosaurus armour was very reasonable given the material he was working with. Two types of osteoderm were recognised for Hylaeosaurus in the 1830s and 40s: large spikes, and low elliptical structures that sometimes bore tubercles at their summit. Both feature prominently on the dorsal surface of Hawkins' sculpture, covering the braincase, shoulders, back, haunches and tail. The spines are arranged in a single row along the midline and are flanked either side by extensive sheets of smaller, elliptical scutes. Whether Hylaeosaurus had one or more rows of spiny osteoderms was the subject of discussion among early palaeontologists, and ultimately Hawkins decided to side with Mantell, not Owen, in depicting a single row. Mantell (1833) interpreted the Hylaeosaurus spikes as being from a spiny midline fringe, akin to those of iguanine lizards, while Owen initially had reservations about them being osteoderms at all. Writing in 1841, Owen stated that he did not disagree with Mantell's idea of them being armour, but he also thought that the 'spines' could be displaced abdominal ribs. By 1854 Owen conceded that Mantell’s identification of the structures as dermal spines was accurate, but he also remarked that Hawkins’ arrangement of the spines was conjectural. A few years later Owen returned to the issue of the spines again, and provided insightful reasoning for the spines being arranged in two parallel rows (Owen 1858). The evolution of Owen’s ideas saw him creeping closer to the reality of ankylosaur life appearance and, today, we know that he was close to the truth: ankylosaurs were indeed covered with multiple rows of scutes, spines and spikes. Alas, this realisation came too late to be incorporated into Hawkins’ models.
The Crystal Palace Hylaeosaurus is probably the most lizard-like of the three featured dinosaur species with its low, crouched pose, large feet and entirely scaly, lipped face. Aspects of the skin recall heavyset, tough-skinned iguanines such as the Galapogos genera Amblyrhynchus or Conolophus (viz. low tubercles and hornlets around the back of the head, a scaly nasal prominence, polygonal scales on the body and limbs), which accords with Mantell’s (1833) referencing of iguanas as a model for the Hylaeosaurus spiny fringe. Though sporting some very fine facial features (though lacking the beak of true ankylosaurs), Hylaeosaurus is Hawkins’ only dinosaur sculpture without visible teeth*. Given that Owen (1842, 1854) had referred teeth to this species, and that virtually all the other non-mammal statues have exposed dentition, this omission is peculiar. Perhaps, if the sculpture was always planned to face away from visitors, Hawkins decided that sculpting an open mouth with individually placed teeth was unnecessary.
*As an aside, it's worth specifying that the Crystal Palace dinosaur models have metal teeth inserted into their mouths, while the other models have teeth molded from concrete. The dinosaur's metal teeth were stolen as souvenirs by Victorian visitors (Secord 2004)!
We do not have a definitive list of specimens examined for the Iguanodon models, but Owen (1854) and Hawkins (1854) allude to three important reference specimens. Firstly, Owen (1854) specifically identifies the models as being "I. mantelli", one of two names applied to the original set of Iguanodon teeth described by Mantell in the 1820s. These teeth are no longer considered diagnostic for any species, but are a close match for those from the Valanginian iguanodont Barilium dawsoni (Norman 2011). Many anatomical and proportional details were taken from a second specimen, the famous “Mantel-piece”, which is today regarded as Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis (though not incontrovertibly - see Norman 2013). Thirdly, Hawkins (1854) notes that a large iguanodont specimen (below) from Horsham was used to establish the size of the models. This specimen has been all but forgotten in modern literature despite earning the local nickname of the “Great Horsham Iguanodon” and being referenced as an exceptionally large specimen by Owen (1855). Details of the Horsham specimen suggest it is almost certainly another specimen of Barilium, being sourced from the Hastings Beds (deposits yet to yield true Iguanodon fossils, but definitely containing Barilium) and having a scapula bearing characteristic features of this taxon (Norman 2011). Note that none of these specimens contain a thumb spike - the source of the famous nose horn - so this must have stemmed from yet more reference material. Hawkins might have based the nose horns on the large thumb spikes published by Mantell in 1827 and, if so, they represent another iguanodont species for our list, Hypselospinus fittoni (Norman 2015). That gives us at least two, and possibly three, iguanodont species represented in the Crystal Palace "Iguanodon" sculptures, not one of which is actually Iguanodon as we define it today. We cannot rule out Hawkins examining some true Iguanodon material in his research for the models, but if he did, they were not significant enough to warrant mention in any known literature.
It should be observed how lifelike and detailed Hawkins Iguanodon are. More than any other reptile sculpture in the Geological Court, Hawkins Iguanodon give the impression of capturing real animals. Most of the other reptiles are posed fairly functionally: they lie or stand in ways that allow us to see their form clearly. But Hawkins’ Iguanodon have a touch more dynamism. The reposed individual looks relaxed with its subtly spreading belly and cycad-pawing hand, while the animal above and behind it looks vigiliant and alert. Their composition implies real behaviours and personalities in these anatomically fictional, but entirely believable restorations. Coupled with their enormous size, these aspects make them (for me, at any rate) the most spectacular models of the entire display.
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What does the inside of a Crystal Palace dinosaur look like, you ask? The standing models have holes in the bottom (presumably for drainage and maintenance access) which allow you to see inside, and they look like this. Here, we're seeing the interior view of the standing Iguanodon sculpture, with light shining through the open mouth. I'm not sure how much of this is original and how much represents conservation work, but it's evident that the bulk of the models are Victorian bricks, motar, concrete, and supporting metal struts. These old-school materials are one reason that the models are so fragile, why they need dedicated upkeep, and why we shouldn't be climbing and sitting on them (for shame, people in that photo!). |
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Iguanodon bernissartensis as we picture it today, some still standing, some still lying down. |
We've got one more stop on our tour of the Crystal Palace sculptures: the mammals. These often overlooked parts of the Geological Court contain some of the most interesting and, to some extent, tragic portions of the Crystal Palace palaeoart project. Come back soon for the conclusion to our look at these Victorian palaeoartworks, and don't forget to check out the Friends of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, who're actively striving to get these fine artworks the recognition and conservation they deserve.
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- Barrett, P. M. & Maidment, S. C. R. (2011). Armoured dinosaurs. In Batten, D. J. (ed.) English Wealden Fossils. The Palaeontological Association (London), pp. 391-406.
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- Mantell, G. A. (1851). Petrifactions and Their Teachings: Or, A Hand-book to the Gallery of Organic Remains of the British Museum (Vol. 6). HG Bohn.
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